The Third International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment (SIBE-2017) was held in September 26-27, 2017 at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia. This year, the conference discussed and evaluated the infrastructures built in the past as well as current and future innovations, policies and new directions regarding to the infrastructure.
SIBE-2017 was held in collarboration with Hokkaido University, National Taiwan University, Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, and Minstry of National Development Planning. Keynote speeches on the conference were given by the speakers as follow:
1. Prof. Dr. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, as the Minister of National Development Planning.
2. Ir. Mochamad Basoeki Hadimoeljono, M.Sc., Ph.D, as the Minister of Public Works and Housing, which was represented by Dr. Ir. Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga, M. Eng., Sc, as the Research and Development Body of Ministry of Public Works and Housing.
3. Prof. Shang-Hsien Hsieh, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
4. Prof. Takashi Matsumoto, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan.
5. Prof. Dr. Ryo Kohsaka, Tohoku University, Tohoku, Japan.
A total of 137 papers were submitted to SIBE-2017 with the steering committee and speakers from 12 countries participated in the paper presentation parallel session and reviewing. Topics included in the parallel session were Structure and Materials, Transportation System and Engineering, Water Resources Engineering & Management, Water & Waste Engineering and Management, Ocean & Maritime Engineering, Construction Management, Geotechnical Engineering, and Environmental Protection and Management.
On the Cultural Dinner Session which was held in September 26, 2017, the Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan gave a keynote speech as the represntative from the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs.

Source: SIBE 2017 Official Page