Menghadapi Permasalahan ASUS i7
Laptop ASUS yang sekarang saya gunakan baru berusia hampir 3 tahun. Saya membelinya di Depok Town Square saat ada promo bersama kawan saya, Nanang Dwi Prasetyo. Sebenarnya permasalahan yang pertama kali saya hadapi adalah tidak muncul display di layar laptop. Pernah suatu ketika di semester 3 atau 4 saya menjalani S2, saya bergegas ke service laptop ASUS di…
Rian Mantasa Presents The 2-D Analysis of Water Related Disaster in The International Conference on Disaster Management 2018 (ICDM 2018)
The International Conference on Disaster Management 2018 (ICDM 2018) is a premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the field of Disaster management. It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the International Conference on Disaster Management that will be held on 2-4 May…
Developing Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Modelling on Lakes: A Preliminary Study
Lakes in Universitas Indonesia (UI) have several problems to overcome. Water quality of UI’s lakes degrades in the last decade. One of the problem is high turbidity. The longer turbidity in lakes, the more dangerous the lakes environment life would be. So, this research focuses on sediments problem or physical…
Estimating design flood and HEC-RAS modelling approach for flood analysis in Bojonegoro city
Bojonegoro faces flood every year with less advanced prevention development. Bojonegoro city development could not peak because the flood results material losses. It affects every sectors in Bojonegoro: education, politics, economy, social, and infrastructure development. This research aims to analyse and to ensure that river capacity has high probability to…
Rian Mantasa Mempresentasikan Pengembangan Model 2-D Simulasi Hidrodinamis dan Transpor Sedimen di The 4th International Conference on Environment and Bio-Engineering
Permasalahan danau di Indonesia merupakan masalah sejak lama, namun belum bisa terselesaikan dengan baik. Depok memiliki sekitar 250 setu dan fungsi hidrologis dari setu tersebut bisa berfungsi dengan baik bila danau atau setu tersebut dikonservasi. Paradigma masyarakat terhadap badan air seperti sungai dan danau adalah membuat tempat tersebut sebagai tempat…